Summer continues with the Wednesday Markets in Corrales
The Wednesday Market helps to break up the week, especially as we get back into the swing of the school year. A big THANK YOU to everyone that came out and supported the Wednesday Market! People that came left with garlic, corn, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, and flowers, to name a few of our favorites. Our mid-week Market is the best kept secret in the Albuquerque area – no lines for locally grown and produced food! We are a short 10 minute drive from the Alameda/Coors intersection, so come visit us your way home from work. This Sunday, we are very happy to host the local Fire Department for the annual Fire Department Appreciation Day at the Market. Come visit our Corrales Fire Fighters on Sunday, 9AM-12PM. We’ll have live music by The Tumbleweeds and breakfast by Apple Tree Cafe. See you soon!!